Dr. Yusuf Savran

- Internal Medicine Residency: 2002-2006, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,
- Medical Educatin: 1992-1998, Hacetepe University Faculty of Medicine (English)
- 1989-1992: College of Science, Izmir, Turkey
- 2011-2013:Â Internal Medicine Specialist, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Intensive Care Unit, Izmir, Turkey
- 2013-, Assist. Prif.(Cinsultant), Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Intensive Care Unit, Izmir, Turkey
- 2017-2020:Â Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Intensive Care Unit, Izmir, Turkey
- 2020- 2022: Izmir Internatonal Medicana Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine
- 2022- Present:Â Â The Turkish Hospital; Doha, Qatar.
1. Savran Yusuf
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuhal Karakurt
Atalay Matbaacılık Ltd. Şt ANKARA,2014
Volume:1, Pages: 236-244,
ISBN:978-605-630093-6, Turkish (Scientfc book)
Supportve treatment modalites, Nutriton and Sedaton in mechanically ventlated
2. Savran Yusuf, Cimert Bilgin
Delirium in Elderly Patents
Editors: Isik, Ahmet Turan, erossberg, eeorge T.
Publisher: Springer Internatonal Publishing
eBook ISBN978-3-319-65239-9
Hardcover ISBN978-3-319-65237-5
Editon Number 1
Approach to the Elderly Patent with Delirium: The Intensive Care Specialist’s
1. H. Bodur, Y. Savran, U. Koca, O. Kilinç, S. Albayrak, O. Itl and S. Akoglu Legionella
pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocardits and septc shock
successfully treated with Drotrecogin Alpha (actvated).
European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2006; 9: 808-810
2. Nurullah Akkoc, Ismail Sari, Servet Akar, Omer Binicier, Mark e. Thomas, Michael E.
Weale, Merih Birlik, Yusuf Savran, Fatos Onen, Neil Bradman, and Christopher A.
Plaster (2010).
Increased Prevalence of M694V in Patents With Ankylosing Spondylits Additonal
Evidence for a Link With Familial Mediterranean Fever.
Arthrits and Rheumatsm, 2010; 62(10):3059-3063.
Doi: 10.1002/art.27598
3. Özgür Yilmaz, Mert Küçük, Levent Kebapçilar, Tamer Altndag, Arif Yüksel, Hüseyin
Oguz Yuvanç, Tuba Dal & Yusuf Savran
Macrophage migraton-inhibitory factor is elevated in pregnant women with
gestatonal diabetes mellitus
eynecological Endocrinology, 2012;28: 76-79
Doi: 10.3109/09513590.2011.588757
4. Yusuf Savran, Ismail Sari, Didem Leyla Kozaci, Necat eunay, Fatos Onen, Servet Akar
Increased Levels of Macrophage Migraton Inhibitory Factor in Patents with Familial
Mediterranean Fever.
Internatonal Journal of Medical Sciences, 2013;10:836-839
Doi: 10.7150/ijms.6116
5. Yusuf Savran, Yakup Duran, Bilgin Comert
Impact of tme to antbiotcs on mortality in severe sepsis and septc shock.
Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2016; 32: 17-22
6. Yusuf Savran, Volkan Karacam, Basak Bayram, Erdem Yaka, Nuri Karabay
Pneumocephalus in a patent with multple stab wounds
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine (Emerging SCI), 17 ,(2017): 1-3
Doi: 10.1016/j.tjem.2016.06.002
7. Begüm Ergan, Recai Ergün, Taner Çalışkan, Kutlay Aydın, Murat Emre Tokur, Yusuf
Savran, Uğur Koca, Bilgin Cömert, Necat eökmen
Mortality related risk factors in high-risk pulmonary embolism in the ICU.
Canadian Respiratory Journal (SCI-Expanded), Volume 2016, Artcle ID 2432808, 8
pages htp://
8. Can Çağdaş, Bolatkale Mustafa, Sarıhan Aydın, Savran Yusuf, Acara Ahmet Çağdaş, Bulut Mehtap
The Effect of Brain Tomography Findings on Mortality in Sniper Shot Head Injuries.
Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps (SCI-Expanded), 2016;0:1–4.
Doi: htp://
9. Yusuf Savran, Tugce Mengi, Baris Yilmaz, Murat E. Tokur, Begum Ergan, Erdem Yaka, Bilgin Comert
Can neutrophil-lymphocyte rato predict diesease severity and mortality in Sepsis and
Septc shock patents?e
Acta Medica Mediterranea (SCI-Expanded), 2018, 34: 877
DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2018_3_134
10. Yusuf Savran, Tugce Mengi, Merve Keskinkilic
A severe case of levothyroxine intoxicaton successfully treated in
intensive care unit
J Acute Dis (E-SCI) 2018; 7(4): 175-177
doi: 10.4103/2221-6189.241029
11. Nese Colak Oray, Basak Bayram, Emel Altntas , Semra Sivrikaya , Yusuf Savran
Severe allergic reacton to human insulin in the patent with diabetc
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine (E-SCI) 18 (2018) 40-41
12. Seyhan Pala Cifci, Yasemin Urcan Tapan, Bengu Turemis Erkul, Yusuf Savran and Bilgin Comert
The Impact of Hyperoxia on Outcome of Patents Treated with Noninvasive Respiratory
Canadian Respiratory Journal
Volume 2020, Artcle ID 3953280, 6 pages
13. COVID-19 Pandemic Acton Plan of a University Hospital.
Yapar N, Uçan ES, Bayraktar F, eökmen N, Sayıner A, Kuruüzüm Z, Bayram B, Alp-Çavuş S, Kılınç O, Avkan-Oğuz V, Savran Y, Küçükgüçlü S, Celiloğlu M.
Turk Thorac J. 2021 Jan;22(1):95-98. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2021.20141. Epub 2021
Jan 1.
14. Pneumonia severity indices predict prognosis in coronavirus disease-2019.
Ucan ES, Ozgen Alpaydin A, Ozuygur SS, Ercan S, Unal B, Sayiner AA, Ergan B, eokmen N, Savran Y, Kilinc O, Avkan Oguz V; DEU COVID Study eroup. Respir Med Res. 2021 May;79:100826. doi: 10.1016/j.resmer.2021.100826. Epub 2021 Apr 27.
15. Clinical Outcome of PCR-Negatve COVID-19 Patents: A Retrospectve Study.
Sayıner A, Tasbakan MS, Ergan B, Kılınç O, Sayıner A, Sertoz R, Ozuygur S, Ercan S,
Savran Y, Korkmaz Ekren P, Başoğlu ÖK, Özhan MH.
Turk Thorac J. 2021 May;22(3):247-250. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2021.20284.
16. The Efcacy of Hydroxychloroiuine and Azithromycin Combinaton Therapy on
Hospital Mortality in COVID 19 Pneumonia Patents.
Özuygur Ermiş SS, Ergan B, Kaçmaz Başoğlu Ö, Ercan S, Korkmaz Ekren P, Kuruüzüm Z, Özhan MH, Sayiner AA, Savran Y, Sertöz ŞR, Taşbakan MS, Kilinç O, Sayiner A.
Turk J Med Sci. 2021 Aug 4. doi: 10.3906/sag-2009-64.
Published articles non SCI, SCI Expanded cited
1. Yusuf Savran, Sevgi Akarsu
Dermato-neuro syndrome in a case of scleromyxedema.
European Journal of Rheumathology, 2015; 4: 160-2.
Doi: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2015.0116
2. Yusuf Savran, Murat Emre Tokur, Bilgin Cömert, Dayimi Kaya
Type 1 Kounis Syndrome and Multorgan Failure Secondary to Metamizole.
Internatonal Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015;2:1155-1157.
3. Yusuf Savran
Pneumohydrothorax due to misplacement of nasogastric feeding tube. Internatonal
Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015;2:1337-1339.
4. Yusuf Savran
A Case of Polymyalgia Rheumatca Mimicking Multple Myeloma.
Eurasian Journal of Family Medicine, 2015;4:90-93
5. Yusuf Savran, Kutlay Aydin, Suleyman Men
Tirofban induced thrombocytopenia: a case report of a rare side effect.
Internatonal Journal Of Advances In Case Report, 2016;3, 226-228.
6. Yusuf Savran, Ali Ä°brahim Sevinc, Merih euray Durak, Mustafa Secil, Bilgin Comert
Pheochromocytoma Presentng with Adrenal Necrosis due to Spontaneous
Hemorrhage: A Case Report.
IJSS Case Reports & Reviews , 2016;2, 5-7.
Doi: 10.17354/cr/2016/198
7. Yusuf Savran, Rukiye Arikan, Bilgin Comert
Impact of factors at admitance predictng intensive care unit mortality in critcally ill
cancer patents.
Internatonal Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2016;4: 374-380.
Doi: 10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20160286
8. Mehmet Ali Özcan, Özden Pişkin, İnci Alacacıoğlu, Yusuf Savran, Hayri eüner Özsan
Images in Haematology.
Turkish Journal of Hematology, 2004; 21: 49
9. Yusuf Savran, Turker Cavusoglu, Mehmet Kemal Tumer, eurkan Yigiturk, Oznur Dilek Cifci, Ahmet Cagdas Acara, Yigit Uyanıkgil and Oytun Erbas.
Can Ursodeoxycholic acid be an alternatve of N-acetylcystein in acute
acetaminophen intoxicaton.
World Journal of Pharmaceutcal and Medical Research 2016;2:53-58
DOI: 10.20959/wjpmr20165-317
10. Savran Yusuf, eencpinar T, Aydin K, Eroz E.
Concurrent Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenaton, Plasmapheresis and Contnuous
Renal Replacement Therapy in a Case of Wegener’s eranulomatosis.
Annals of Internatonal Medical and Dental Research. 2016; 2(5):ME01-ME03.
Doi: 10.21276/aimdr.2016.2.5.ME1