Our Neurosurgeon has the most extended privileges in the whole GCC?
Core Privileges
A. Cranial Procedures
1. Cranial Trauma: Treatment and surgical intervention for cranial injuries.
2. Convexity/Superficial Brain Tumors: Surgical removal of superficial brain tumors.
3. Posterior Fossa Brain Tumors: Surgical management of tumors located in the posterior fossa region.
4. Stereotactic Guided Surgery: Including micro craniotomy and biopsy.
5. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: Placement and management of shunts for hydrocephalus.
6. Subdural/Epidural Hematoma/Hemorrhage Surgery: Surgical intervention for hematomas and hemorrhages.
7. Endoscopic Pituitary Adenoma Surgery: Endoscopic techniques for pituitary adenoma removal.
8. Skull Lesions Surgery: Surgical treatment of various skull lesions.
B. Spinal Procedures
1. Epidural Steroid Injections for Pain: Administration of epidural steroid injections for pain relief.
2. Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain: Use of radiofrequency ablation techniques for pain management.
3. Spinal Cord Surgery for Tumors: Including intramedullary, intradural extramedullary, and extradural tumors.
4. Rhizotomy, Cordotomy, and Dorsal Root Entry Zone Lesion: Surgical interventions for pain management.
5. Tethered Cord Syndrome: Surgical correction for tethered cord syndrome.
6. Congenital Spinal Anomalies: Treatment and surgical management of congenital spinal anomalies.
7. Cervical Microdiscectomy and Artificial Disc Replacement: Surgical procedures for cervical disc issues, including artificial disc replacement.
8. Lumbar Microdiscectomy: Minimally invasive surgery for lumbar disc issues.
9. Lumbar Fusion and Laminectomy: Surgical fusion and laminectomy procedures.
10. Lumbar Degenerative Disorders: Surgical treatment for degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine.
11. Surgery for Intervertebral Disc Disease: Various surgical interventions for disc disease.
12. Vertebral Fracture Vertebroplasty/Balloon Kyphoplasty: Minimally invasive procedures for vertebral fractures.
C. Congenital Disorders
1. Chiari Malformation: Surgical treatment for Chiari malformation.
2. Meningocele/Myelomeningocele: Surgical correction for meningocele and myelomeningocele.
Advanced Privileges